Note| Text in Blue [#PYTHON], Red [#RUBY], and Orange [#JAVA] can be edited or mentioned important for the entire blog. All the posts are practically done by me.
1| Download rubyinstaller
2| Check Ruby version
Start > Interactive Ruby
3| Install Selenium WebDriver library for Ruby
INSTALL > gem install selenium-webdriver
4| Download Devkit before installing json
5| Extract DevKit to path C:\Ruby200\DevKit
6| Open cmd prompt
> cd C:\Ruby200\DevKit
> ruby dk.rb init
> ruby dk.rb review
> ruby dk.rb install
INSTALL > gem install json
7| Download Ruby DLTK plugin for Eclipse IDE [Go to Eclipse Marketplace and search Ruby DLTK]
8| Go to Windows > Preferences > Ruby - Interpreters
9| Click on 'Add' and Locate Ruby.exe "C:\Ruby200\bin\ruby.exe"
10| Create a New Ruby Project
Right click on package Explorer > New > others
11| Type 'Ruby'.
12| Select 'Ruby Project' and press Finish.
13| Create a new Ruby module.
Right click on package > New > Ruby module
14| Develop your Ruby selenium script like sample given below
require "selenium-webdriver"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox ""
element = driver.find_element(:name, 'q')
element.send_keys "Prashanth Sams"
15| Rick click on program Run > Ruby Script
1| Rack is a web server interface used for developing web applications in Ruby; Rack is used by almost all Ruby web frameworks and libraries, such as Ruby On Rails and Sinatra.
2| RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby programming language.